Research Reports

The State of Social Media Advertising

Being present on social media has become a must for businesses across all industries.

EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH - Download the latest survey from SimplicityDX to understand how Brands and Digital Agencies use social media to attract new customers, encourage engagement, increase revenue, and measure the impact of their campaigns.

We surveyed 110 retail brands and digital agencies in North America, fall 2023.

Key Findings:

  • The #1 brand goal is to acquire new customers
  • 91% of brands advertise on social media
  • Instagram is the most effective social media platform
  • Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) is the most popular metric for brands
  • On average, only 44% of revenue can be measured by brands
  • Sending social traffic to Product Detail Pages is the #1 choice
  • However, landing traffic has high bounce and poor conversion rates

This retailers survey was undertaken with the support of the WBR Research eTail team.

Social media has become a go-to channel for brand discovery

US brands, retailers and digital agencies spend significantly, with two thirds spending at least $60,000 and a quarter spending over $250,000 per year.

Their primary (but not exclusive) focus is new customer acquisition, yet only 5% are able to accurately measure the revenue impact of their advertising spend

Find out why in the new report

Watch the summary video

"Digital was supposed to make ad measurement possible. But in social, it’s clear there’s a big problem. Tracking shoppers from the ad through to the actual purchase is very difficult, in part because of in-app browsers which break link tracking.

But it's also because of the way that people buy: discovering on social, but preferring to purchase on the brand site."

Charles Nicholls, Industry veteran and Chief Strategy Officer at SimplicityDX Academy

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